Get your department’s Free course from CorrectionsOne Academy
CorrectionsOne Academy is giving back to those that support our communities around the country.
For a limited time we’re offering corrections facilities the opportunity to select a FREE 1-hour course for their personnel from a short list of our most popular topics.
When you train effectively, your officers are better prepared to handle dangerous situations, and you reduce your agency’s risk and liability. To get started, fill out the form below.
Mental Health in Jails
Mental illness has long been a growing concern in the criminal justice system. According to Human Rights Watch and the Bureau of Justice, prisons and jails house three to four – or more – times more mentally ill individuals than mental hospitals. Staff at city and community jails estimate that 25 percent of the jail population is severely mentally ill.
Suicide Prevention in Jails
As a professional corrections employee, you see firsthand that being incarcerated is an intense and life-changing experience for detainees. For many, it is not a change for the best. There are some people who, due to any number of conditions addressed in this course, are predisposed to suicidal ideations, suicidal attempts, and self-destructive behavior.
Use of Force in Corrections
Persons with mental illnesses, drug or alcohol addictions, or disorders such as autism can present difficult challenges. In some cases, a person may brandish a weapon or otherwise appear to pose a threat to the public, to an officer, or to himself or herself. The threat may be a real one, or the situation may be less dangerous that it appears, and often it is difficult to assess the level of danger. These situations often are complicated when, because of their conditions, persons cannot communicate effectively with Corrections Officers. In some cases, they may appear to be threatening or uncooperative, when in fact they are unable to understand an officer’s questions or orders.