Accredited Maryland Commission Approved Courses from CorrectionsOne Academy
CorrectionsOne Academy is now an approved provider for Maryland Correctional Training Commission for online training, and courses are available for In-Service training credit. Officers can complete our courses to fulfill all 18 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) towards their annual In-Service training requirements. (Course credits may not exceed 3 hours per course)
Are you looking for a way to meet Commission approved training requirements while saving the time, money and hassle associated with in-person training and manual documentation? You’ve come to the right place.
CorrectionsOne Academy is approved to provide the following Maryland Commission Approved courses online:
Course Name | Course Number | Hours |
Absorbents and Spills | C18755 | 1h |
ADA Compliance in Business | C18756 | 1h |
Advanced Defensive Driving Techniques | C18757 | 1h |
Airborne and Bloodborne Pathogens | C20040 | 1h |
Alcohol Abuse Emergencies in Jails/Prisons | C18758 | 2h |
Anti-Bias Training for Law Enforcement (2 hours) | C19865 | 2h |
Anti-Harassment in the Workplace | C20042 | 1h |
Back Injuries | C18759 | 1h |
Basic Firearm Safety | C18760 | 1h |
Basic First Aid | C18761 | 2h |
Basic Jail Security Principles | C18762 | 1h |
Basic Telephone Skills | C18763 | 1h |
Best Practices in Dangerous Canine Encounters | C18764 | 1h |
Bloodborne Pathogens for First Responders | C18765 | 1h |
Booking and Admissions | C18766 | 1h |
Building Financial Strength in First Responder Families | C20043 | 3h |
Business Continuity | C18767 | 1h |
Career Professionalism | C18768 | 1h |
Child Abuse and Neglect | C20044 | 2h |
Children and Law Enforcement | C18769 | 1h |
CIT for Correctional Facilities | C19000 | 1h |
Classification of Inmates | C19772 | 1h |
Cognitive Behavioral Training in Juvenile Corrections | C19001 | 1h |
Combating Complacency in Jails | C18929 | 1h |
Communication Skills 1 | C19002 | 1h |
Communication Skills 2 | C19003 | 1h |
Communication Skills 3 | C19004 | 1h |
Communication Skills 4 | C19005 | 1h |
Community Policing | C19006 | 2h |
Computer Security Basics | C19007 | 1h |
Confined Spaces 101 | C19008 | 1h |
Confined Spaces 102 | C19009 | 1h |
Conflict and Dispute Resolution | C19010 | 1h |
Constitutional and Community Policing | C19012 | 2h |
Constitutional Law | C19011 | 1h |
Contraband Control | C19014 | 1h |
Controlling the Situation | C19015 | 1h |
Corrections 1 | C19016 | 1h |
Corrections 2 | C19017 | 1h |
Corrections 3 | C19018 | 1h |
Corrections 4 | C19019 | 1h |
Corrections Liability | C19020 | 1h |
Court Tactics and Techniques | C19021 | 1h |
Crisis Intervention Training Overview | C19023 | 1h |
Crisis Management | C19024 | 1h |
Crowd Control 1 | C19025 | 1h |
Crowd Control 2 | C19026 | 1h |
Crowd Control 3 | C19027 | 1h |
Cultural Awareness and Diversity Overview | C20045 | 1h |
Current Drug Trends | C19028 | 2h |
Cyberstalking | C19150 | 1h |
Dealing with Angry Employees | C19773 | 1h |
Dealing with Armed Suspects | C19013 | 1h |
Dealing with Cold Stress | C19029 | 1h |
Dealing with Heat Stress | C19030 | 1h |
Dealing with Stress | C19031 | 1h |
Dealing with the Media | C19032 | 1h |
De-Escalation and Minimizing Use of Force | C20046 | 2h |
De-escalation Strategies and Techniques | C18300 | 2h |
Defensive Driving Basics | C19033 | 1h |
Defensive Driving Principles | C19034 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 1 | C19035 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 2 | C19036 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 3 | C19037 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 4 | C19038 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 5 | C19039 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 6 | C19040 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 7 | C19041 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 8 | C19151 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 9 | C19152 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 10 | C19153 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 11 | C19154 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 12 | C19155 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 13 | C19156 | 1h |
Defensive Tactics 15 | C18194 | 1h |
Developing Effective Communication Skills | C19157 | 1h |
Developing Leadership | C20047 | 1h |
Diabetic Emergencies | C19158 | 1h |
Disciplinary Procedures in a Corrections Setting | C19159 | 1h |
Discipline and Termination | C19160 | 1h |
Distracted Driving for First Responders | C18813 | 1h |
Diversity in the Workplace | C19161 | 1h |
Driving While Distracted | C20048 | 2h |
Drug and Alcohol Awareness | C19162 | 1h |
Drug Withdrawal in Jail | C19163 | 2h |
Eating Right for Health and Fitness | C20049 | 1h |
Effective Presentation Basics | C19164 | 1h |
Electrical and Fire Safety | C19165 | 1h |
Emergency Preparation and Egress | C19190 | 1h |
Emotional & Psychological Disorders 2 | C19192 | 1h |
Enhancing Work Relationships | C19193 | 1h |
Equipment Safety | C19194 | 1h |
Escorting Inmates | C19195 | 1h |
Ethical Behavior for Corrections Officers | C19196 | 2h |
Ethics in Juvenile Corrections | C19774 | 1h |
Evidence Collection, Control, and Storage | C19197 | 1h |
Expect the Unexpected 1 | C19198 | 1h |
Extreme Ownership Leadership Training 101: Believe with Jocko and Leif** | C18938 | 1h |
Extreme Ownership Leadership Training 102: Extreme Ownership with Jocko and Leif** | C18939 | 1h |
Extreme Ownership Leadership Training 103: Laws of Combat with Jocko and Leif** | C18940 | 1h |
Extreme Ownership Leadership Training 104: Mindsets for Victory with Jocko and Leif** | C18941 | 1h |
Extreme Ownership Leadership Training 105: The Dichotomy of Leadership with Jocko and Leif** | C18942 | 1h |
Extreme Ownership Leadership Training 106: Leading Up and Down the Chain of Command with Jocko and Leif** | C18943 | 1h |
Fall Protection | C19199 | 1h |
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) | C19200 | 1h |
Female Offenders and Related Issues | C19201 | 2h |
Finance 101 for Non-Financial Managers | C19202 | 1h |
Fire Prevention and Response Plan for Jails | C19775 | 1h |
FMLA Training for Supervisors | C19203 | 1h |
Form I-9 and Employment Eligibility Verification | C19204 | 1h |
Foundations in Ethics for Corrections | C19885 | 1h |
Gangs 1 | C19176 | 1h |
Gangs 2 | C19177 | 1h |
Gangs 3 | C19178 | 1h |
Generational Differences | C18578 | 1h |
Generational Differences for Law Enforcement | C19179 | 1h |
Handling Medical Emergencies | C19181 | 1h |
Hate Crimes Training For Law Enforcement | C20051 | 1h |
Hazmat First Responder Awareness (FRA) Level 1 | C18594 | 1.5h |
High Blood Pressure – Reducing Your Risks | C19183 | 1h |
HIPAA For First Responders | C19776 | 1h |
HIPAA: Protected Health Information For Public Entities | C19184 | 1h |
Holds and Restraints: Holds Demonstration | C18299 | 1.75h |
Holds and Restraints: Restraints Demonstration | C18298 | 1h |
Hostage Negotiations | C19185 | 2h |
How to Lead in Emotional Survival** | C18814 | 1h |
HR Recruitment and Selection Process | C19186 | 1h |
Implicit Bias | C20052 | 1h |
Inmate Correspondence | C19187 | 1h |
Inmate Employment | C19188 | 1h |
Inmate Record Keeping | C19189 | 1h |
Interacting with the Mentally Ill as a First Responder | C20053 | 1h |
Internet/ Technology in Law Enforcement 1 | C19167 | 1h |
Interviewing Skills for Managers: Conducting an Interview | C19166 | 1h |
Introduction to Probation | C19170 | 1h |
Investigating Deaths in Jails | C19777 | 1h |
Investigating In-Custody Deaths | C19886 | 1h |
Investigative Skills 1 | C19171 | 1h |
Investigative Skills 2 | C19172 | 1h |
Jail Release Procedures | C19173 | 1h |
Jail Risk Management | C19169 | 1h |
Juvenile Corrections | C19174 | 1h |
Juvenile Corrections: Facts, Trends, and Youth Rights | C19887 | 1h |
Juvenile Corrections: Staff Roles and Reentry | C19888 | 1h |
Juvenile Justice | C19175 | 1h |
Law Enforcement Stress Indicators | C19272 | 1h |
Leadership 1 | C19273 | 1h |
Leadership 2 | C19274 | 1h |
Leadership 3 | C19214 | 1h |
Leadership 4 | C19215 | 1h |
Leadership 5 | C19216 | 1h |
Leadership 6 | C19217 | 1h |
Leadership 7 | C19218 | 1h |
Leadership 8 | C19219 | 1h |
Leadership Essentials | C18815 | 2h |
Leadership in Law Enforcement | C19220 | 1h |
Leadership v. Management | C19221 | 1h |
Litigation Procedures | C20054 | 1h |
Maintaining Boundaries for Corrections Staff | C19222 | 1h |
Managing Employee Records in Correctional Facilities | C19223 | 1h |
Managing Fatigue in 24/7 Operations | C19866 | 1h |
Managing Special Inmate Populations | C19224 | 1h |
Mass Casualty, Natural Disaster Standards | C19225 | 1h |
Means of Egress | C19226 | 1h |
Mental Health in Jails | C19227 | 1h |
MRSA in Correctional Facilities | C19778 | 1h |
Nutritional Standards for Correctional Facilities | C19228 | 1h |
Off-Duty Safety & Survival 1 | C19168 | 1h |
Off-Duty, Safe, and Ready | C19182 | 1h |
Officer Liability | C19180 | 2h |
Officer Safety | C19229 | 1h |
Officer Survival 1 | C19125 | 1h |
Officer Survival 2 | C19205 | 1h |
Officer Survival 3 | C19206 | 1h |
Officer Survival 4 | C19207 | 1h |
Officer Survival 5 | C19208 | 1h |
Officer Tactical Training | C20055 | 2h |
Officer Well-Being | C19209 | 1h |
Officer Wellness & Mental Health Awareness | C19867 | 2h |
Opioid Crisis: Protecting Our First Responders | C19210 | 1h |
Overcoming Resistance: Start with Mental Preparation | C19211 | 1h |
Parliamentary Procedures | C19212 | 1h |
Patrol Procedures in Correctional Facilities | C19213 | 1h |
Performance Management | C19275 | 1h |
Personal Protective Equipment | C19276 | 1h |
PREA: Rights, Reporting, and Retaliation for Community Confinement | C19538 | 1h |
PREA: Rights, Reporting, and Retaliation for Juvenile Detention | C18937 | 1h |
PREA: Rights, Reporting, and Retaliation for Prisons and Jails | C18816 | 1h |
Preparing Your Response to Challenging Situations | C19277 | 1h |
Presenting Effective Testimony in a Courtroom | C20056 | 1h |
Press Conference and Briefing Basics | C19278 | 1h |
Preventing Accidents in the Workplace | C19279 | 1h |
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Overview | C18590 | 1h |
Public Employee Safety in the Community | C19280 | 1h |
Recognizing Child Abuse | C19281 | 1h |
Recognizing Domestic Violence | C19282 | 2h |
Report Writing 1 | C19283 | 1h |
Report Writing 2 | C19284 | 1h |
Responders at Risk: Protecting First Responders From Opioid Exposure | C19285 | 1h |
Responding to Emergencies 1 | C19286 | 1h |
Responding to Emergencies 2 | C19287 | 1h |
Responding to People with Mental Illness | C19868 | 2h |
Retaining Talent | C19288 | 1h |
Riot Response for Corrections | C19289 | 1h |
Risks of Social Media in the Workplace | C19290 | 2h |
Running an Effective Board Meeting | C19291 | 1h |
Sexual Harassment For Managers | C20057 | 2h |
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace | C20058 | 1h |
Sexual Harassment Prevention – Corrections | C18595 | 1h |
Shaping an Ethical Workplace Culture | C20059 | 1h |
Sleep and Your Health | C19292 | 1h |
Smoking Cessation | C19293 | 1h |
Stress and Your Health | C19779 | 1h |
Stress Management for Corrections Officers | C19780 | 1h |
Subject Control 1 | C19294 | 1h |
Subject Control 2 | C19295 | 1h |
Subject Control 3 | C19296 | 1h |
Subject Control 4 | C19297 | 1h |
Successful Customer Interactions | C19299 | 1h |
Suicide by Cop | C19300 | 1h |
Suicide Prevention in Jails | C19301 | 1h |
Supervising Inmates | C19302 | 1h |
Supervision of Inmates in Dining Areas | C19303 | 1h |
Suspects in Medical Distress | C18579 | 1h |
Tactical Operations 1 | C19304 | 1h |
Tactical Operations 2 | C19305 | 1h |
Temporary Holding Facilities | C18428 | 1h |
Terrorism 1 | C19306 | 1h |
Terrorism 2 | C19307 | 1h |
Terrorism 3 | C19308 | 1h |
The Importance of Communication in Law Enforcement | C19309 | 1h |
The LGBTQ Community | C20060 | 1h |
The Will to Win 1 | C19310 | 1h |
The Will to Win 2 | C19311 | 1h |
The Will to Win 3 | C19312 | 1h |
The Will to Win 4 | C19313 | 1h |
The Will to Win 5 | C19314 | 1h |
The Will to Win 6 | C19315 | 1h |
Tourette Syndrome and Other Neurological Disorders | C19316 | 1h |
Understanding Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD | C19317 | 1h |
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder | C19318 | 1h |
Understanding Behavior, Burnout, and Depression | C19319 | 1h |
Understanding Depression and Bipolar Disorder | C19320 | 1h |
Understanding Eating Disorders | C19321 | 1h |
Understanding Hostage Incidents | C19322 | 1h |
Understanding Inmates’ Rights – Legal Trends | C19781 | 1h |
Understanding Prediabetes | C19323 | 1h |
Use of Force | C19326 | 2h |
Use of Force Situations | C19324 | 1h |
Use of Less Lethal Force | C19327 | 1h |
Using Oleoresin Capsicum | C19328 | 1h |
Value of Inmate Programs | C19782 | 1h |
Vehicle Safety | C19330 | 1h |
Violence in the Workplace | C19331 | 1h |
Walking Your Way to Fitness | C19332 | 1h |
Wellness for Corrections | C19408 | 1h |
Workplace Bullying | C19333 | 1h |
Workplace Stress Resiliency | C18580 | 1h |
Written Communication and Report Writing | C19334 | 1h |
Yoga for First Responders | C19335 | 1h |
**This premium course requires a subscription. Please inquire if interested.