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Juvenile Offenders

Delinquents, depending on their age and severity of crime and who have been convicted of a crime may be sentenced to a juvenile correctional facility. This special population has special considerations separate from an adult correctional facility. Learn about these regulations and offenders in courses like Juvenile Corrections and Juvenile Behavior Management.

Course Name Course Description Length
Cognitive Behavioral Training in Juvenile Corrections Working with youth in a confinement setting is more than a career. It is a calling. One way to answer that call is the Cognitive Behavior Training for juvenile corrections. It is a therapeutic behavior management program that focuses on modifying behavior by changing the beliefs and thinking patterns of the confined youth while teaching discipline instead of punishment. The CBT behavior management program utilizes effective praise, a token economy, specific weekly goals, the immediacy of facility consequences and highly invested staff to facilitate programming that will help young people change. 1h
Ethics in Juvenile Corrections Working with youth in a confinement setting is more than a career. It is a calling, the key component of any facility is the staff. The execution of professionalism, ethics, and compassion play vital roles. This course will examine what ethics are, as well as the ethical challenges that staff face in an ever-changing corrections culture and standards of conduct for staff. 1h
Juvenile Corrections This one-hour course takes a look at the unique challenges that the juvenile justice system presents. 1h
Juvenile Corrections: Facts, Trends, and Youth Rights – NEW! Working with youths in corrections, detention, or any other form of rehabilitation requires a different skill set and approach than working with adults. This course will help you understand the unique demands of working with juvenile populations, the rights and needs of youths, and the philosophies and trends in juvenile justice. 1h
Juvenile Corrections: Staff Roles and Reentry – NEW! Working with youth in corrections, detention, or any other form of rehabilitation requires a different skill set and approach than working with adults. This course will help you understand the changes youths experience as they develop, your roles and responsibilities as a facility staff member, and the best approaches to prevent recidivism and prepare youth for a successful return to the community. 1h