Security Threat Groups
Corrections officers face a variety of unique security threats on the job. With topics ranging from gangs to riots to hate groups, learn how to handle these special populations to ensure the safety of yourself and other officers, as well as inmates.

Course Name | Course Description | Length |
Becoming a Gang Expert | LAPD Gangs expert Det. Wayne Caffey provides useful tips to becoming a gang expert. | 5m |
Community Based Information Systems | Detective Ray Bercini discusses the Community Based Information System Model which was developed in response to an epidemic in gang growth and activity. | 10m |
Conducting Gang Interviews | Andy Eways discusses important considerations when officers conduct interviews of gang members. | 10m |
Difference between street and prison Gangs | Todd DePalma discusses the differences between street and prison gangs. | 5m |
East Coast Crips | Doug Wyllie of Police1 discusses the East Coast Crips with gang expert Andy Eway. | 10m |
Evolution of Criminal Activity in Gangs | Assistant Chief Calvin Shivers of the FBI’s violent criminal threat section discusses criminal activity in gangs. | 5m |
Females in Gangs | Doug Wylie, Police1 Ediotr-in-Chief interviews Ray Bercini of the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Office about the role of female gang members. | 10m |
Gang Combat Dynamics | In this segment, Domenic Cappelluti explains how officers should look “beyond the ticket”” during traffic stops to recognize potential indicators of street gang involvement.” | 5m |
Gang Cop Probable Cause | In this segment, LAPD Gangs expert Det. Wayne Caffey discusses the importance of identifying and documenting criminal gang activity. | 5m |
Gang Intelligence in Central America | FBI agent Calvin Shivers discusses intelligence to be gained from Central American gangs. | 5m |
Gangs 1 | The first segment of Gangs includes: Becoming a Gang Expert, Gang Combat Dynamics, Gang-Cop Probable Cause, Gangs in the Military, Gangs in your Community, Gangs: Officer Survival, and Motorcycle Gangs | 1h |
Gangs 2 | The second segment of Gangs includes: Gangs Lessons Learned, History of Mexican Gangs, Intelligence in Central America, East Coast Crips, Evolution of Criminal Activity in Gangs, Females in Gangs, and White Gangs | 1h |
Gangs 3 | The third segment of gangs includes: Conducting Gang Interviews, Community Based Information Systems, Difference Between Street and Prison Gangs, Influence of Prison Gangs on the Streets, Interviewing Gang Members Upon Prison Intake, Juvenile Gang Prevention and Intervention, Officer Safety during Gang Contacts, and Officer Safety with MS13 Gangs | 1h |
Gangs Lessons | Eduardo Cordero discusses lessons learned from dealing with gang members and how they can be used as predictors in future encounters. | 10m |
Gangs in the Military | An often overlooked but very real problem is the presence of street gangs in our military units. Gang expert, Hunter Glass, tells you the signs and symptoms you may meet when dealing with a military gang member and what precautions to take. | 10m |
Gangs in your Community | In this segment, gang expert Hunter Glass tells you the signs to look for to identify the gang activity in your community. | 10m |
Gangs: Officer Survival | LAPD Gangs expert Det. Wayne Caffey discusses mental preparation and proper training as the key to surviving the daily routine of working with gangs. | 5m |
History of Mexican Gangs | Gabriel Morales discusses the history and origin of Mexican gangs. | 10m |
Influence of Prison Gangs on the Streets | Doug Wyllie of Police1 discusses ways in which prison gangs can affect officers who deal with street gangs/crime with Correctional Officer Todd DePalma of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. | 5m |
Interviewing Gang Members Upon Intake into Prison | Doug Wyllie of Police1 discusses techniques to interview gang members upon intake into prison with Correctional Officer Todd DePalma of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. | 5m |
Juvenile Gang Prevention & Intervention | Gabriel Morales, gang specialist, discusses ways to prevent juvenile gang membership. | 10m |
Juvenile Justice | This course addresses four primary problem areas in which law enforcement plays a critical leading role: juvenile gun violence; the combination of youth, guns, and drugs; the link between drugs and delinquency; youth gangs. | 1h |
Motorcycle Gangs | In this segment, Det. John Holiday identifies the indicators of outlaw motorcycle gangs and precautions officers should take when following or approaching members. | 5m |
Officer Safety During Gang Contacts | Doug Wyllie of Police1 discusses officer safety during gang contacts with gang expert Andy Eways. | 5m |
Officer Safety with MS13 Gangs | Eduardo Cordero, a supervising deputy with Los Angeles County Probation, discusses officer safety issues when dealing with MS13 gang members. | 5m |
White Gangs | Gabriel Morales, a gang specialist with Gang Prevention Services, discusses the prevalence and characteristics of white gangs in the United States. | 5m |